Futaie Park
In the heart of the City of Boucherville, the Parc de la Futaie nature park plays an undeniable role in the protection of biodiversity. Its ecological value is significant due to its floristic richness and its contribution to the connectivity of the region’s natural environments. Acting as a biodiversity corridor, its proximity to two other natural environments allows for certain species to travel from one habitat to another. The Parc de la Futaie also sits on the dividing line between two distinct watersheds. Its water flows into both the St. Lawrence and the Richelieu River.
This 24-hectare nature park is characterized by a young wooded area and varied wetlands. Among young maple stands with red maple and swampy ash stands are various types of wetlands: ponds, marshes, fallow land, tree and shrub swamps. More than 180 plant species have been listed in the Park.
This ecosystem’s water table maintains the humid characteristics favourable to the chorus frog. Two more threatened species also live in this habitat: the Lasius minutus ant and the shagbark hickory, a hardwood tree that is native to Quebec but is now extremely rare. The Park is also visited by the white-tailed deer.
Discover Parc de la Futaie via its multipurpose trail constructed by the City of Boucherville.