The Chorus Frog Ambassadors Program
Why Become an Ambassador?
The chorus frog is a vulnerable amphibian species in Quebec and needs your help to ensure its protection.
The Chorus Frog Ambassadors Program was established by a collaboration between multiple partners as part of the chorus frog recovery strategy led by the Quebec Ministry of Forests, Wildlife and Parks (MFFP).

Program Objectives
Make the chorus frog known and appreciated
- Generate interest for active involvement in the efforts to ensure its conservation
- Raise awareness on issues related to the fragile state of this Quebec amphibian
- Create a sense of belonging toward this vulnerable species and its habitats.
This small animal is at the heart of major debates related to territorial planning, and citizen support is essential for the recognition of its value to the natural heritage of Southern Quebec.
Being an Ambassador means ...
Keeping informed with the latest environmental news related to the chorus frog
- Sharing information with one’s contacts
- Being individually or collectively involved in conservation efforts
- Promoting the preservation of valuable natural environments that benefit the chorus frog and biodiversity
- Inviting one’s family and friends, and the rest of the community to be actively involved and join the Chorus Frog Ambassadors Program
- Being a source of inspiration for one’s community and entourage
Who can become an Ambassador?
This program is designed for:
- Individuals, families, or private landowners (Citizens)
Or for:
- Organizations, schools, elementary or secondary school classes, CEGEPs, universities or museums (Organizations)
who wish to take concrete action, create educational or popularization activities, publications, or other interventions that can help improve the chorus frog’s situation or people’s perception of them.
What are the advantages of becoming an Ambassador?
It’s free!
- Being part of a collective and helping to protect the species and its habitats
- Joining a network that is taking concrete action for the chorus frog
- Learning how to protect the species and its habitats
- Receiving our newsletter to stay up-to-date with the latest environmental news affecting the chorus frog and its habitats
- Access to the virtual Ambassador toolkit
How to become an Ambassador
The program is divided into two parts: the citizen component and the organization component.. To register, you simply need to fill out the online form for the component that corresponds to your situation and meet certain criteria. We will contact you afterwards to confirm your membership and send you the virtual Ambassadors toolkit.
Let us know how you have helped or plan to help the chorus frog. Whether it’s a discovery trail or a concrete action, show off your status as Ambassador and inspire others to act for chorus frog preservation.
By presenting a project recognized by the Chorus Frog Ambassadors, your organization joins a provincial movement aimed at training Chorus Frog Ambassadors. By proudly displaying their status as ambassador, participants will be acting as multipliers and play an important role in the preservation of the chorus frog and biodiversity.
For more information on the program
Charles Girard-Boudreault
Scientific Educator-Designer | Chorus Frog Ambassadors Program
Public Programs and Education Division
Montréal Biodôme | Space for Life
Organizations or Ambassadors Projects
Contents of the kit for the citizen component:
- Ambassador logos for social networks
- Reference web links
- Informative video capsules
- News articles
- book suggestions
- Suggestions for getting involved.
Contents of the kit for the organization component:
- Ambassador logos for social networks
- Ambassador logos for projects and communications
- Reference web links
- Informative video capsules
- News articles
- book suggestions
- Suggestions for getting involved
- Photo bank
- powerpoint templates
- Educational tools and sample activities