Spring activities to be announced soon!
Past Activities
November 18 and 19, 2020, 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Forum on the chorus frog and its habitat
This event generated a lot of interest and was a great success! 100 participants from more than 30 government organizations, conservation organizations, educational institutions and science agencies from Quebec, Ontario and even Vermont took part in this Forum. The results from several research projects on the dynamics of the populations and their habitats, and on the genetics of the chorus frog, were presented. The field component of the Forum demonstrated the success of our partners and the possibilities for restoration and habitat creation to preserve this vulnerable species.
While there is still much to do and discover, we can still act now. This knowledge enables a better dialogue with the people managing the territory for a better conciliation between the preservation of natural environments and human proximity.
Summary of the forum